Teknik Marketing Terbaik

Jika Anda memiliki sebuah situs web, mungkin Anda ingin banyak orang datang untuk mengunjungi Anda dengan. dan kemudian mereka akan mengambil tindakan untuk melakukan apa yang Anda inginkan. Ada banyak cara membawa lalu lintas ke situs Web Anda, tapi ada 3 teknik pemasaran yang paling konsisten membawa lalu lintas ke situs Web Anda. Karena sebagian besar lalu lintas yang berasal dari daerah ini.

1. Email Pemasaran: ini adalah teknik pertama yang tinggi mendorong Anda untuk mempelajari dan diterapkan, karena pemasaran email pada dasarnya membangun daftar Anda sendiri. Banyak orang saat ini website. Jadi, sangat penting, sangat crussial untuk melakukan pemasaran email. Membangun daftar Anda sendiri, karena uang berada dalam daftar, maka daftar akan berarti Anda memiliki daftar prospek. Jadi Anda memiliki hubungan dengan mereka, melalui email Anda menghubungi mereka, pada hari setiap 3 hari, atau setiap minggu. Dan melihat bahwa Anda dapat menjual segala sesuatu ke daftar Anda karena mereka akan mempercayai Anda dan mereka akan dalam daftar Anda selamanya.
2. Pasal Pemasaran: Pasal pemasaran pada dasarnya menulis 300 atau 400 kata-kata dari artikel yang memberikan tips solid dan menyerahkan mereka dalam direktori artikel. Ini adalah kesempatan bagi Anda untuk menempatkan link Anda dan ketika orang membaca artikel Anda dan minat untuk belajar lebih banyak, mereka bisa pergi ke situs web Anda untuk rincian. Jadi lebih baik yang Anda bisa mengirimkan sebanyak mungkin ke direktori artikel, dan artikel direktori dapat menunjuk kembali ke website Anda. Jadi, ketika banyak orang yang mencari informasi di internet artikel Anda akan muncul dan mereka dapat membaca artikel Anda, dan ketika mereka ingin mempelajari lebih lanjut tentang tips Anda mengklik link Anda dan pergi ke situs Anda. Dan hari ini untuk memiliki artikel sangat mudah, Anda dapat outsourcing ini. Anda dapat membayar beberapa orang untuk menulis artikel dan melakukan berulang-ulang.
3. Video Pemasaran: Video pemasaran pada dasarnya menciptakan video, video tutorial, video cam dan semua jenis video dan mengirimkannya ke direktori video. Sebuah direktori video tempat seperti youtube, mimeo, metacafe dan lain-lain. Tapi yang paling populer adalah youtube. Jadi Anda bisa mengirimkan video Anda ke youtube.com dan memasukkan link Anda dalam video Anda sehingga ketika orang-orang menonton video Anda dan minat untuk belajar lebih lanjut tentang video Anda mereka bisa pergi ke website Anda. direktori Video sekarang adalah seperti mesin pencari, banyak orang yang mencari di Google dan mereka menemukan informasi di Youtube itu dengan cara ini adalah kesempatan bagi Anda untuk mengambil ruang maksimal besar di youtube, mengirimkan banyak informasi video sebanyak mungkin, sehingga ketika orang mencari topik yang mereka akan melihat video Anda dan kemudian mereka akan pergi ke situs web Anda.
Itu sedikit tips dari saya tentang teknik pemasaran yang terbaik. ada ribuan teknik yang dapat Anda lakukan itu. Tapi yang penting bagi Anda untuk belajar 3 pemasaran di atas. Terima kasih.

The Best Marketing Technique

If you have a website, maybe you want that many people comes to visit your with. and then they will take action to do what you want. There is a lot of ways bringing traffic to your website, but there is 3 marketing technique that most consistenly bring traffic to your website. Because most of traffic is come from this area.
  1. Email Marketing : this is the first technique that high encourage you to study and applied, because email marketing is basically building your own list. A lot of people have website today. So it is very important, very crusial to do an email marketing. Build your own list, because the money is in the list, a list is meaning you have a list of prospect. So you have a relationship with them, through email you contact them, on daily every 3 days, or every week. And watch that you can sell everything to your list because they will trust you and they will in your list forever.
  2. Article Marketing : Article marketing is basically writing 300 or 400 words of article that provide a solid tips and submit them in article directories. This is an opportunities for you to put your links and when people read your article and interest to learn more, they can go to your website for details. So it's better that you can submit as many as possible to article directories, and article directories can point back to your website. So when a lot of people searching an information in the internet your article will show up and they can read your article, and when they want learn more about your tips they click your links and go to your site. And today to have an article is very easy, you can outsource it. You can pay some people to write an article and doing over and over again.
  3. Video Marketing : Video marketing is basically creating a video, tutorial video, cam video and any type of video and submit them to the video directories. A video directories is a place like youtube, mimeo, metacafe and others. But the most popular is youtube. So you can submit your video to youtube.com and put your links in your video so when people watch your video and interest to learn more about your video they can go to your website. Video directories now is like search engine, a lot of people searching in Google and they find an information in Youtube that's way this is an opportunities for you to take massive maximal space on youtube, send a lot of video information as much as possible, so when people search a topic they will see your videos and then they will going to your website.
That's little tips from me about the best marketing technique. there is a thousand of technique that you can do it. But it's important to you to learn 3 marketing above.
thank you.

One Million Links for You

Read in Indonesian
You want to order Link to Your Blog glued on and assisted by one million people are promoted more? If Yes, then you can use an ad with time factor. It works very simple way. You register on the link that I mentioned a few moments. Then LOGIN and fill directly your data including your blog, your blog title and a brief description of your blog is. Soon after that you will have a replica SPECIFIC SITES with your unique id for you to promote. My suggestion is just put the link on this link in your blog so that others can follow.
You must be very easy to ask people to sign up, because everybody needs promotion, everyone wants their ads spread quickly. Ok, suppose you have begun to promote the replica of your website earlier. We assume that two people already Join your friends via your link!. 2 This person is called a Level 1 you. After that promotion you automatically will begin immediately to work alone as the autopilot. Why? Since the link had been glued to your blog on your member website two people earlier. Now you start the campaign assisted by two people!. 2 The member you'd also be working the same way, they invite each of their two friends, meaning there's an additional four people?. 4 This person is called a Level 2 you. Total number of members you now become six. Then this goes on, four new people on your second level was also invited two of their friends, plus 8 (Level 3). Now you have been helped by 14 people. Link To Your Blog brought by 14 people, when all you link to where I once was not it? This continues! Developments such as the development of this table: 

Jumlah Total
1 2 2
2 4 6
3 8 14
4 16 30
5 32 62
6 64 126
7 128 254
8 256 510
9 512 1022
10 1024 2046
11 2048 4094
12 4096 8190
13 8192 16382
14 16384 32766
15 32768 65534
16 65384 131070
17 131072 262142
18 262144 524286
19 524288 1048574
20 1048576 2097150
Apparently if you register after this, enter your blog information, later I took two people just so your ad can be brought not by a million people over two million people but more! Your campaign is simple to make your ads as much as it sticks in people. Free too!. You will not waste this opportunity. Please join here right now: One Million links for you!Hopefully you added the best-selling business!

8 SEO Technique Every Webmaster Should Know

Every Webmaster should have a basic understanding about simple SEO Technique if they want to be top ranking on search engine , the more you know about SEO technique, the better your webpages will show up on search engine, especially on Google.
Optimizing your pages for search engine should be your main priority because congqueror in domining your choosen keyword is often side as the one of the major turmining factor to succes your online business.
You must have a rule material graph how SEO can improve your site. This simple SEO technique will help you to understand basic SEO and help you to reach your main goal.
  1. Title Tag : The title tag is located at the top of your html pages. It tell the search engine what your pages about.When you open your page in a browser there are a words at very top of the screen. The title tag is Crusial ton on page optimization, it should include your main keyword, and should be less than 63 character. If you want your title tag to appear in Search engine result page. Many SEO expert create webpage that have title tag. they place the title in, the title tag on the page itself and in url for that page. Some times they would just pick the main keyword from the title and place on the anchor URL on stage. for example: www.yourwebsite.com/keyword.html
  2. Meta Description Tag: the meta description tag contains the description of your website. your description will show up on search engine result page. So you have to be carefully to make it. It should be 140 character or 20 words. make sure you include your main keyword, but dont spam, don't repeat your keyword more than twice, using the variation is helpfull. Keep in mind that successfully webmaster is meta description that stand up form the crawled and make the surfer to click their link. It is also the first contact for your potential visitors or prospect it make goog first impressive.
  3. Anchor Tag : The anchor tag or URL is use to form link, these tag should have your title or main keyword from your page title. Anchor tag is also important to know, it's be underlined  clickable text or word in link. If you want to check google for all webpages that contains your keyword in anchor tag, just type in the google search : allinanchor : your_keywords
  4. Finding Backlinks : One of the key of high ranking  is building quality links for relevan website or related site. The search engine especially google count each link is a vote for your site to content. Many expert Suggest you include your main keyword in the anchor tag. If you want to find the number of backlink of your site has. Just type in the google search. link : your_url
  5. Checking Indexed Pages : It's very important for you to know what content that search engine have indexed for your site. you can also check and see how your links display and see if any title or description are missing for your pages. You can see how many your pages are indexed in google by site command. Just type in the google search : site : your_url. It will give you the number of indexed pages by google. Another way is type in : "www.yoursite.com" (with quotation mark). or "http://yoursite.com" (with quotation mark)
  6. Checking Google Cache : You can also checking the google cache by cache command. Just type in the google search : cache : your_url
  7. Finding Associated Keywords : Keyword are hard in the internet. You must dominate your choosen keyword in teh search engine if you want succed in online. so make sure you have your main keyword in teh meta keyword on your page. Many expert suggested you place your page main keyword in first and the last 25 words on a page. You use variation in placing your main keyword. to find what other keyword that google has associated with your main keyword just use the ~ command. for example type in the search engine : ~ keyword.
  8. Finding Title Keywords : If you want to find competing site has your keyword in title, just use allintitle command. Type in google search  allintitle:yourkeywords. For example allintitle:internet_marketing. It will provide the list of competing site that using internet marketing on their title. 
These techniques can improve your search engine ranking if you aplied consistenly. Use site stats and traffic logs to confirm the rise in your keywords ranking. Optimize you site for google to gain maximum effect. Knowledge equals to success.